16 Oct 2022, 7:30pm–9:00pm PDT
Greater Portland Baptist Church, 17800 Southeast Main Street, Portland, OR, USA Map
Register today to compete in the Men's Chili Cookoff!
Break out your Spices and Peppers and get your recipe together for the Men's Chili Cookoff, Sunday, October 16 after the 6PM service!
LADIES! Please help us by signing up in the foyer to bring a pan of corn bread for this event! Stop by the table in the foyer to let us know that you will bring your best corn bread. (Registration not required for those providing corn bread.)
Prizes will be awarded for the Best Chili, The Hottest Chili, and the Most Unique Chili!
There is no cost to attend this event, but we are asking for a $3 registration fee for all contestants.
"Your taste buds will never be the same!"